Managing 3PL Billing

Managing 3PL Billing

Packiyo provides an intuitive and sophisticated billing system designed for 3PLs to set rates and generate invoices for clients.

Packiyo 3PL Billing Overview

Our aim at Packiyo is to build 3PL billing features that make it easy to define rules and rates and track them in each billing cycle for each client. Our software will continually add new features and capabilities over time as we receive feedback from our clients, and continue to refine WMS capabilities.

We are currently offering v2 of the Packiyo 3PL Billing feature.

v1 offers 3PLs these billing capabilities

  • Ability to create and manage rate cards that can be applied to one or multiple clients.

  • Rate types for Storage, Picking, Shipping and Ad hoc activities.

  • Easy invoice creation for clients, along with CSV and PDF export.

What's coming in v2 release

  • Tiered pricing for shipped orders.

  • Reconciliation for carrier bills. Original rate adjustment if adjustments are made in a current billing cycle.

  • Quickbooks integration.

Types of Rates



Fee Options


Rate options for storage of client goods based on storage types and length of time goods are stored.

  • Fee Assigned by Location Type.

  • Billing Cycle (Daily, Weekly, Monthly)


Flexible rate options for picking orders, including first pick, first different SKU pick, pick ranges and order or SKU tag filters.

  • Base fee for any picked order.

  • First pick fee.

  • Custom pick ranges with fees.

  • Remaining picked items fee.

  • Option to apply or ignore fee for products with specific tags.

  • Option to apply or ignore fee for orders with specific tags.


Flexible rate options for order shipments, including fixed and variable fee options.

  • Base fee for any shipped order.

  • Percentage of shipping label fee.

  • Option to fee based on shipping carrier and services.

  • Option to apply or ignore fee for orders with specific tags.

Ad hoc

This allows the creation and billing for any action or service provided that is not available as a defined rate type. An example of an ad hoc rate could be SKU prep or inspection.

  • Ad hoc fee.

  • Charged by (Hourly, Orders, Purchase Orders, Manual Entry)

Understanding Rate Cards

Rate cards provide a flexible method of defining rates and billable actions that can be applied to one or multiple clients.

Two rate cards can be applied to each client.

Primary Rate Card

The primary rate card will be the main set of rates used for a client when generating an invoice. Typically, the primary rate card will consist of the standard rates and fees you may apply for your services.

Secondary Rate card

The secondary rate card will override any rates that are already defined in the primary rate card. This is particularly useful if you have negotiated special rates for specific customers.

Creating Rate Cards

You can create as many rate cards as desired, with each rate card having a unique name, and rates that you define using the available rate types and rate options.

You can either create a new rate card or duplicate an existing rate card.

To create a new blank rate card, click on the settings icon, located on the bottom left of the Packiyo Web dashboard, and click Billing.

Billing consists of two main sections, Clients (where you manage assigned rate cards and invoices) and Rate Cards (where you manage rates and how they are applied).

Click on Rate Cards.

You should now see any existing Rate Cards.

To create a new rate card, click the "New Rate Card" button, located on the top right section of the page.

When naming a rate card, its name needs to be unique, and is recommended to be readable to make it easier for reference when you have many rate cards.

You can also duplicate an existing rate card, this is a handy option if you want to create a new rate card that already has rates. The most common use of the duplicate rate card feature is to create new rate cards for clients based on a template rate card.

To duplicate a rate card, simple click the duplicate icon on the rate card you want to duplicate. Once created, the rate card will be available to edit.

Managing Rate Card Rates

Rate cards are used to organize a set of rates and related fees. Rate cards can be applied to one or many clients. Each client is assigned a primary and optional secondary rate card.

The primary rate card is typically the master rate card, such as a standard set of rates that are applied by default.

Rates on the secondary rate card will override any matching rates in the primary rate card, as well as be additional rates for specific clients.

To add or edit rates on a rate card, start by editing the desired rate card.

You can quickly view existing rates on a rate card by toggling between the available rate types.

You can view existing rates and make any modifications required.

To add a new rate, use the New Rate button located on the top right section of the page and select which rate type you want to add.

Each rate type has different rules, options and fee structures. View the Rate Types to learn more about what each rate type provides.

Assigning Rate Cards to Clients

Rate cards can be assigned to your clients by a member of the cs team. We plan on making this a self service option in the upcoming v2 release.

Creating & Exporting Invoices

Invoices for clients include any matching rates found in the assigned rate cards, as well as additional ad hoc rates that are applied once the invoice is created. Invoices can be downloaded as a CSV, for import into Quickbooks, and as a PDF file that can be sent to the client directly.

To get started, click the settings icon located on the lower left section of the page, click billing and select the client you want to invoice.

Once you've loaded the client invoices page, you can access previously generated invoices as well as create a new one. To create a new invoice, click the New Invoice button, located on the top right section of the page.

Select the date period for the invoice you want to generate, and hit save. This will create the client invoice based on the assigned rate cards and date period specified.